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More and More Car Keys These Days Work Remotely and can be Difficult to Replace
Thanks to our state-of the art equipment, experienced staff and excellent timing, Christou's Auto Locksmith (Scotland) Ltd can create a programmed key that's uniquely coded to match your vehicle. Our automotive locksmiths in Glasgow offer services 24/7 and we can also program any replacement car keys you might need.
Security Issues Sorted
​We can also provide a range of additional services that include:
Get in touch with Christou's Auto Locksmith (Scotland) Ltd. We are your local experts here to ensure you get a programmable key you can rely on.
Need a new car key producing and programming? You've come to the right place! Call us on 07587 494194
Christou's Auto Locksmith (Scotland) Ltd will be along ASAP to get you back on the road!
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